
BookStack 生成 sitemap.xml


# Downloading the script
# ALTERNATIVELY: Clone the project from GitHub and run locally.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BookStackApp/api-scripts/main/php-generate-sitemap/generate-sitemap.php > generate-sitemap.php

# Setup
# ALTERNATIVELY: Open the script and edit the variables at the top.
export BS_URL=https://bookstack.example.com # Set to be your BookStack base URL
export BS_TOKEN_ID=abc123 # Set to be your API token_id
export BS_TOKEN_SECRET=123abc # Set to be your API token_secret

# Running the script
php generate-sitemap.php <output_file_name>
# Create a sitemap called "sitemap.xml within the current directory
php generate-sitemap.php ./sitemap.xml


  • https://github.com/BookStackApp/api-scripts/tree/main/php-generate-sitemap